* all prices are in USD dollar
clipping path and masking
basic .35ยข
simple $1
medium $2.50
advance $4.50
hourly $6
3D rendering
simple $10
medium $20
advance $30
*more complex images will be quoted
real estate editing
STANDARD editing
window masking
major object removal
sky change
photo stitching and masking
flash glare removal
grass/lawn enhancement
HDR blending
real estate editing
perspective correction
lens correction
white balance adjustment
brightness and contrast
colore correction
exposure adjustment
minor blemishes removal
curves and level adjustment
grain/noise reduction
Common services offered are the following. If you have any special instruction please feel free to contact us.
Clipping Path
This technique is use to isolate subject from its background or background removal solution for digital images. We use different methods for masking like alpha channeling, mask pro and others to provide you with superior output. Starts from USD $1. We DO NOT use quick solution. When we create clipping path it's done by hand (the best method for clipping an image) meaning we manually trace your images to get quality result of clipping path. Masking Hauz artists has done this for years we know what we are doing, we have the speed due to years of experience in specializing this method and we can give you the result you're looking for.
Image Masking
It is still use for isolating the subject from its background but that is not possible for clipping path. This technique is used for hair, glass, water and fur. Image masking applies different methods to remove the back ground. Masking Hauz use alpha-channel / alpha compositing, layer masking, transparent masking to get the best result.
Image Manipulation
Tell us about your desired image result. We'll make it happen for you. Please be reminded we are graphic artists not magicians. We can make castle appear in thin air but we cannot make you live there.
Image Editing
Would you like to put a shadow on your image? or combing two images together to make it one? Masking Hauz takes great detail on our projects to create top-notch results
Photo Enhancement
Photo Retouching
Not all photographs are picture perfect. If your images have a spot, smear, stain, blemish, taint, blot or needs cleaning up. We can do it for you.
Vector convert / raster to vector
Do you have logo in .jpg file and you need to resize it for large format printing or for online purposes but it gets blurry when you resize it? Convert it to vector and you can resize it to how big you want and retain the image quality of your logo.
Image enlargement
Enlarge your images without sacrificing quality for large format printing: billboard, wallpaper, poster-sized print, wall portrait. We use industry standard for enlarging and resizing image. Enlarge your image to any size or resolution you desire and retain the find image detail. No more pixelization and quaity degradation of your image. Up to 1000% enlargement.
Factors that affect output of image enlargement
The result would depend on the quality of the image and the size of original image
Final image will be in uncompress TIFF file
Service detail
Masking Hauz will only enlarge your image and do minor modification to get the best result. If you want for us to do adjustments or do retouching we can do so for a charge as this is part of our other services.
Do tell us about your desired target size so we can verify if your image is suitable to get quality result.
Frequently Asked Questions